Good Shepherd Lutheran church

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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

What Happened at VBS- Day 3

And now the hump day presents: What happened at VBS- Day 3!!

That’s right friends, we’re halfway there. Woah-oh, we’re living on a prayer.

Day 3 was awesome. We veered slightly away from Daniel to learn about his friends Shoe-rack, Meat-shack and A-bed-I-go, or as you may know them: Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.

Let me tell you, they have quite the sizzling story. Get it? Cuz they were in the fiery furnace? It’s a good thing there’s an r in furnace, there’s nothing fun about burning.

Our theme for today was “When you’re afraid, God is with you.” Sometimes we have big fears, sometimes we have small fears, but either way, God is with us.

Babs has a fear of bees. Oh boy, if you could have seen her running around like a fool when she thought she saw a bee. She was so afraid! Papa Lions told her that even though she does get scared sometimes, God is always with her, God can use her times of fear to make her stronger, and He promises to do that for everyone!

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego had a fear of being burned in the furnace. They were afraid to stand up for their beliefs, but they did and God protected them. He even send an angel to be with them so that they would be safe. It’s quite an amazing tale!

Ashpenaz keeps getting confused about this, “only one God,” thing. Luckily these kids are very good at letting him know that we only believe in one God.

Speaking of being afraid, I had a big time fear walking into crafts today. There was sand everywhere! It’s amazing how one little grain of sand seems like no big deal, but when they all gather together it’s all of a sudden a huge mess! This can happen with our fears too. When we are afraid or nervous about one thing, it doesn’t really seem like a big deal, but when there are a lot of fears, it’s more than we can handle! Putting the sand on the box reminded us that God takes our fears and turns them into something good.

The music continues to be sooooo awesome! These kids are pretty much music pros. Admittedly, I didn’t get to spend as much time actually IN the music station, but I could hear them all the way from my office and it was really something. However, there are no teasers here…you’ll have to come on Friday to actually hear them sing!

And FINALLY we broke out the parachute! It was possibly the windiest day ever, so the parachute was a little crazy, but boy oh boy did those kids make it work! While the leaders couldn’t only produce a lame looking mushroom, the kids created one of the most elaborate games of cat and mouse…talk about your being afraid!

If the first half is any indication, this week is going to end off being amazing! We have had so much fun and everyone here is just amazing! It’s great to know that God is with YOU!!!!

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